Friday, June 27, 2014

Song of the day.......Nine Inch Nails with "March of the Pigs"

I believe this may have been the first single that NIN released off of "The Downward Spiral" album. The album is my favorite NIN album, because there is just so much going on during these songs. A year or two ago I acquired the DVD audio copy of this album, and it is a lot of fun to just sit in a room, and listen to this album in 5.1 Surround Sound. You can really hear all of the different things that are going on during these songs that way. It's incredible. One of the best albums of all time in my opinion. This track, "March of the Pigs," has this really beautiful piano part that is book ended by the raw aggressiveness that we come to expect from a Nine Inch Nails song.....It's done so well though. I've always loved this live video that they put out for it as well. See if you can count how many mics hit the ground. This summer I will see these guys live with my sister-in-law for the first time and I can't wait.

Song of the day.....Nine Inch Nails with "March of the Pigs"

Video by YouTube user NineInchNailsVEVO

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