Monday, December 15, 2014

Song of the day........Violent Femmes with "Gone Daddy Gone"

One of my first memories of listening to local alternative rock radio was listening to the Violent Femmes. Back in the early '90's a local alternative station gave them a lot of airplay, and also had them on their radio stations music festival over the summer. It was the first concert that I've ever been to. The Femmes were very impressive. Unlike the other bands they came out with guitars with very little distortion, which was different compared to the grunge scene that was big at the time. They played this set of songs, and even without the distortion on the guitars, they had this angst to their music that I really liked. One of my favorites from them is this song "Gone Daddy Gone." I don't recall another song on Rock radio at the time that had a Xylophone solo. Check out "Gone Daddy Gone."

Violent Femmes with "Gone Daddy Gone"

Video by YouTube user RHINO

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