What more can you say about Wilco's album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot? It' an amazing album. One of my favorite albums from start to finish. It's just so good, and it's a complete masterpiece. I got it on vinyl a couple of Christmases ago from my sister-in-law, and it's just one of those albums that you put on and listen all the way through. It's just great from start to finish, and for me, listening to that album for the first time was awe inspiring. It was one of those moments where you hear an album for the first time, and it just resonates. So, so, so well done. So, check out a track from this classic album. Today's song of the day is "War on War." I really love the synth part that comes in at about 1:40 in this live version from "Letterman." It's like this great dance between the keyboard part and Glenn's drums.
Wilco with "War on War"
Video by YouTube user Rod's Visual Radio Division
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