Monday, December 14, 2015

Song of the day.......Soundgarden with "Limo Wreck"

I was way, way, way into the Seattle scene in the early to mid '90's. I still am for that matter. Now with 20th and 25th anniversary editions of my favorite Seattle bands albums being released I'm finding myself drawn back into that sound. Those distorted guitars, bone shaking drums, and aggressive vocals.... For me there is nothing better than good '90's Seattle rock. Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Mother Love Bone, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden. For me Soundgarden was not one of the bands that I was heavily into when the Seattle scene exploded, but now more than ever I am discovering the incredible music that they have been producing over the years. One of my favorite tracks off of their mega popular "Superunknown" album is this track "Limo Wreck." It's just got such a dark feel to it, and the intro and break riffs are just this genius mix of harmonics on the guitar, which is perfectly complemented by the bass riff. The verse guitar riff is just so fitting as well. Then the chorus comes in with this great deep sound to it....this must be a "drop D" tuning guitar part. All of the parts feel quite independent from each other, but they mix in this track so damn good. So, check out this track "Limo Wreck." It's kind of a lesser known track from the "Superunknown" album, but just so great. 

Video by YouTube user Wilander Mascrenhas

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