Sunday, February 16, 2014

Song of the day......AC/DC with "Hells Bells"

Today's song of the day is from the AC/DC album "Back In Black," which was the first album that AC/DC released with new singer Brian Johnson. There isn't a NFL game that goes by anymore where I don't hear those bells, and Angus' guitar riff playing that intro. It's kind of become a stadium anthem. If Meat Loaf is the master of the ballad, then these guys were, and continue to be, the master of the power chords. They've done some absolutely great things with power chords over the years. I love the intro in this, and then when the whole band kicks in during that intro riff is just great. Check out "Hells Bells," a classic from AC/DC.

AC/DC with "Hells Bells"

Video by YouTube poster acdcVEVO

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