There was some great music that came out of the late '70's and early '80's. Most of the stuff that I'm really fond of was from underground artists of that time like New Zealand's Split Enz, but some of that mainstream Rock radio stuff was pretty decent as well. There were some big hits churned out by the Rock band Foreigner. One of their biggest hits was this track "I Want To Know What Love Is." Once you've heard a few bars you instantly remember how it goes. It's one of those memorable '80's songs that was featured on every one of those Classic Rock compilations. The highlight of the track for me is the vocals throughout that come to this big crescendo at the end where it sounds like they may have added a choir on the studio track. The synthesizer in this track really drives it though. Just a great synth part. So, check out "I Want To Know What Love Is" by Foreigner.
Foreigner "I Want To Know What Love Is"
Video by YouTube user derci luiza Gobbi
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