Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Song of the day............V.A.S.T. with "Temptation"

Today's song of the day comes to us from songwriter Jon Crosby's project VAST. The debut album from VAST, "Visual Audio Sensory Theater," is one of my favorite albums of the '90's. It just has so much going on. The studio production, and songwriting on the album is all done so well. Several songs use samples from monk chants, and add this surreal element to these hard rock tracks. A good example of the use of these samples, and a great example of the complexity of this album can be heard in this track "Temptation," which is one of my favorites off of the album. Just great stuff. Check out VAST with the track "Temptation." It's today's song of the day.

V.A.S.T. with "Temptation"

Video posted by YouTube user "vast"

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