Sunday, March 30, 2014

Song of the day.........Temple of the Dog with "Hunger Strike"

This song has always been one of my favorites from the early '90's, and from the Seattle scene in particular, which I am quite fond of. It's just a great song, but it's more than that. To me, when I hear this song, I think of all of the great bands that came out of Seattle, and this song to me symbolizes that transition from some of the hair bands of the '80's to these great Seattle bands. The entire Temple of the Dog album is this beautiful tribute to the late Andrew wood, which was made up of Jeff and Stone, who would later go on to form Pearl Jam. What an amazing tribute to their friend. It still is one of my favorite albums of all time, and this track, and video are just so beautiful.......

Check out "Hunger Strike"

Temple of the Dog "Hunger Strike"

Video by YouTube poster TempleOfTheDogVEVO

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Song of the day.......Garbage with "The Trick Is To Keep Breathing"

Today's song of the day is one of my favorite tracks from one of my favorite bands. I always thought this was one of the best songs on Garbage's album "Version 2.0." I just love the feel of this song. The synth, and piano parts on this are just plain dreamy. Definitely one of my faves from Garbage.....Check out "The Trick Is To Keep Breathing."

Garbage with "The Trick Is To Keep Breathing"

Video by YouTube poster Bleed Like Shirley

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Song of the day........Mercury Rev with "Tonite It Shows"

One of my favorite albums of all time is this album by a band called Mercury Rev. The album title is "Deserter's Songs." It's just got so much going on. There are these hard rock tracks, these folky numbers, and things in-between. The music on this album is just written so well in my opinion. One of the highlights for me is this song "Tonite It Shows," which is just this dreamy folk song. Check out "Tonite It Shows."

Mercury Rev with "Tonite It Shows"

Video by YouTube poster El Mundo de Chaos

Monday, March 24, 2014

Song of the day..........AC/DC with "Back In Black"

It is one of my all time favorite tracks from AC/DC. After Bon Scott's passing this was the first track that AC/DC released with new singer Brian Johnson. What a way to come back from such a tragic event. They came back with this aggressive amazing song that just has so many great riffs in it. My favorite riff from this comes near the end of the song when they go into the chorus for the last time. It's just this great riff. So, check out "Back in Black" from AC/DC......

AC/DC with "Back In Black"

Video by YouTube poster acdcVEVO

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Song of the day.......Dave Matthews Band with "Where Are You Going"

Today's song of the day is from the Dave Matthews Band. There are a handful of bands that in my opinion have natural musicians playing each instrument in the band. I think if you took each musician in the Dave Matthews Band, and had them play something individually you would be as impressed as you are in listening to the band as a whole. I think all of these guys are just really great musicians, and you don't find that often. For each of these musicians the playing of a song just seems effortless no matter how difficult the song that they are playing is. So, check out "Where Are You Going."

Dave Matthews Band with "Where Are You Going"

Video by YouTube poster Cadora05

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Song of the day.......Soundgarden with "Outshined"

Today's song of the day is one of my favorite tracks from the Seattle band Soundgarden. I am, and always will be, a big fan of the Grunge sound of the late '80's and early '90's. I always felt that Soundgarden was unique to the "Seattle Sound." They were doing things that the other Seattle bands were not doing. I guess to me their sound had this darker element to it. They were using an alternate tuning on their guitars that was just giving this darker element to their music, and it really made their music stand out. One of the first tracks that I heard from them was this song "Outshined." Just a great song in this drop-D tuning that really gave it this edgy drive throughout the song. Then there are the chords at the chorus, which just sound so right in this song. It is definitely one of my favorite choruses of all time. It's just such a contrast from the edgy riff during the verse, and it works perfectly. Of course there are also the vocals of Chris Cornell, which are among my favorite of lead singers. So, check out "Outshined" off of the "Badmotorfinger" album.

Soundgarden with "Outshined"

Video by YouTube poster tkon3d

Friday, March 14, 2014

Song of the day........Satchel with "Looking Forward"

Shawn Smith is one of my favorite vocalists. He's just got so much soul in his vocals, and he's amazing on the keys as well. One of Shawn's musical projects is this band Satchel, who just do great rock songs. One of my faves that satchel does is this song "Looking Forward." Back in 2005 Satchel, and another one of Shawn's musical projects, Brad, released an album of music that was created but never found a place on an album. One of those songs was "Looking Forward." Love the keys in this, and also love the guitar tone on this track, and the effects that are being used. I wish I could pinpoint what effects are being used, because I'd love to try to replicate that sound for myself......... Check out "Looking Forward."

Satchel with "Looking Forward"

Video by YouTube poster gruberjoser

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Song of the day........AC/DC wtih "Thunderstruck"

It's probably one of the most recognizable AC/DC songs from their catalog of great tunes. That riff that Angus plays at the beginning of this is just epic. On the recorded version that riff is playing throughout the song, and forms the foundation for the track. "Thunderstruck" is one of many tracks that highlight "The Razor's Edge" album. This is one of my faves off of it though. Check out "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC

AC/DC with "Thunderstruck"

Video by YouTube poster acdcVEVO

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Song of the day.........Red Hot Chili Peppers with "Californication"

The Red Hot Chili Peppers closed out the '90's just as they opened the decade......with a great album. "Californication," the title track off of that album, is just a beautiful piece of music. The bass and guitar on this just mesh so well together and kind of create this landscape of soul, and blues that is just beautiful. I think it's one of the greatest songs that the Chili Peppers have written so far, and is just different from anything else that they've done to date. Check out "Californication."

Red Hot Chili Peppers with "Californication"

Video by YouTube poster lllasterixlll

Monday, March 3, 2014

Song of the day.........Glen Phillips with "Last Sunset"

Today's song of the day is from Glen Phillips and is off his most recent release "Mr. Lemons." This is one of the stand out tracks in my opinion. Just a beautiful acoustic guitar track with great vocals. Check out "Last Sunset."

Glen Phillips with "Last Sunset"

Video by YouTube user Glen Phillips

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Song of the day.......Justin Roberts with "Fruit Jar"

So, Sunday's song of the day comes to us from Justin Roberts. Justin's Twitter account has a very good summary of what his music is. "Indie Rock for kids and adults." That's exactly what he does, and he does it better than any other children's music artist. To simply call his music kid's music is not truly giving it the credit that it deserves. It is great kids music, but it's also incredibly well done, intelligent, kid's music. The songwriting is such that it reminds you of some of the best in Indie rock, and the lyrics are appealing to kids and adults alike. I've had the pleasure of taking our son to two of his concerts over the years, and it was one of my son's first concerts. This last year Justin was nominated for a Grammy, and I'm eagerly looking forward to what Justin does next. 

Video by YouTube poster hmc1410

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Song of the day........OneRepublic with "Made For You"

One of my favorite bands of the last couple of years is the band OneRepublic. They just have a great sound, and all of their songs are just so well written. The first track on the Waking Up album is this track "Made For You." I love the piano hook in this. It just draws you into the rest of the song. I always think that the opening track for an album really says a lot about the album. I've got to think that bands make a conscientious decision to start off an album with a track that really creates interest in the rest of the album. This track definitely does that, and I think it's one of the great first tracks on an album in the last ten years certainly. So, check out OneRepublic's "Made For You."

OneRepublic with "Made For You"

Video by YouTube poster MissingPerson05