Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Song of the day........Wilco with "War on War"

What more can you say about Wilco's album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot? It' an amazing album. One of my favorite albums from start to finish. It's just so good, and it's a complete masterpiece. I got it on vinyl a couple of Christmases ago from my sister-in-law, and it's just one of those albums that you put on and listen all the way through. It's just great from start to finish, and for me, listening to that album for the first time was awe inspiring. It was one of those moments where you hear an album for the first time, and it just resonates. So, so, so well done. So, check out a track from this classic album. Today's song of the day is "War on War." I really love the synth part that comes in at about 1:40 in this live version from "Letterman." It's like this great dance between the keyboard part and Glenn's drums.

Wilco with "War on War"

Video by YouTube user Rod's Visual Radio Division

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Song of the day........John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light with "Don't Follow Virginia"

Today's song of the day is from John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light, a local Denver area band that I really dig. Really great melodies, and outstanding vocals. Great songwriting as well. If you see these guys are coming to a venue near you then definitely make it a point to see them. Check out this track "Don't Follow Virginia" from the "Beautiful Empty" album.

John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light with "Don't Follow Virginia"

Video by YouTube user John Common

Monday, August 17, 2015

Song of the day......Peter Bjorn and John with "Stop Making Sense"

Today's song of the day is from Peter Bjorn and John and is this song "Stop Making Sense." I've really gotten into these guys in the last couple of years. Great, unique music.....I still have a lot of listening to do of their back catalog, but what I've heard I've really enjoyed. So, check out "Stop Making Sense."

Peter Bjorn and John with "Stop Making Sense"

Video by YouTube user PeterBjornAndJohn

Friday, August 7, 2015

Song of the day......Collective Soul with "Blame"

I've been away a while, and it's time to start this song of the day blog back up again. My returning song of the day is from Collective Soul, a band whose MO seems to be to write the catchiest songs possible. This track really didn't receive a whole lot of airplay when it came out. In fact, I don't recall hearing it before this week when I was listening to my Pandora station. A decent track though, and as with most of their material, it will be stuck in your head for the better part of the next 24 hours. So, check out "Blame" from Collective Soul.

Collective Soul with "Blame"

Video by YouTube user Lea Cantu